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Sorry if you all missed me last week. I was out in the wilds of Yellowstone enjoying some camping, hiking, and no technology interruptions. We didn’t even get cell service, it was bliss! But I’m back, and excited to share some awesome photos of our trip with you!
This guy walked right past my open car window, inches from my face. I was a little too chicken to snap a picture with him so close, in case he decided to charge.
We took a hike down some metal staircase to this beautiful waterfall with a rainbow. I had a hard time with the height of the stairs and the fact I could see straight through them and to the cliffs below me. I will fully admit that I have an irrational fear of heights
Of course we had to stop by Old Faithful. It was pretty cool!
In the Norris Geyser Basin we saw some wolf tracks.
Roaring Mountain sounded cooler than it looked. It’s supposed to be a bunch of geysers up the mountain side, but when we stopped by only one was giving off any steam.
The elk were all over Mammoth Hot Springs. We were going to hike up to the Springs after lunch here, but wind and rain blew in, and I didn’t want to risk it with the Princesses.
Pondering back on this amazing trip, I feel so blessed to have seen so much of God’s work untouched by human hands. It was quite the experience to drive by so close to the Bison and elk. We saw some deer from a distance, and of course those wolf tracks. Thankfully we didn’t come across any of the bears that live in Yellowstone. Unfortunately while we were there a man was mauled by a Grizzly when he and his wife were hiking. Unfortunately he didn’t make it, but his wife did. The park rangers were frequently coming by the campsite to remind us of the safety measures to stay safe.
If you ever get the chance to visit Yellowstone, I would strongly encourage you to find some time to sit and ponder on the “beauty of the earth.“
Okay now I want to go more. I was so sad to hear about the man, I had read it somewhere else during the week and it broke my heart–thankful you are all safe. Thank you for being Sentimental with me this week.
Cha Cha
What a wonderful trip! I almost feel like I had a little 'mini-vacation' there myself, thanks to your pics…*almost*! 😀 Would love to go one day. Glad you enjoyed it…beautiful photos!