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This afternoon Proverbs 31 has been filling my mind. It has always been one of my favorite scriptures. I feel it tells me quite specifically what I as a woman, wife and mother should be spending my days doing. Why today it has been on my thoughts, probably mainly stems from reading it to the Princesses after church. We have this cute “Scripture Treasures” box that they can choose an item out of, and then it has a scripture attached to it. Of course every time we play this game, the “gemstone” is the first thing they pick out, and it of course references to Proverbs 31:10
The chapter continues to outline what makes a virtuous woman. I have always wanted to be a virtuous woman, and I enjoy this scripture. Today reading it though, I realized I haven’t truly taken these verses to heart. Sure, I try not to be idle, I feed my kids, I stand by my husband through everything, but I haven’t really, and I mean really taken all the guidance to heart and fully put it to work in my life. I need improvement in many of these areas, and I have a renewed commitment to make Proverbs 31 the forefront of all that I do.
I will hopefully continue to share what I learn on this journey with you, and I hope to hear from many of you already virtuous woman, and how it has changed and made your lives better!