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Spring is here, and in this home it means spring cleaning of all kinds! Today I want to talk about spring cleaning your closet.
I’ve been slowly working my way through Marie Kondo’s The life-changing Magic of Tidying Up. One of the key messages I’ve taken from it, is that things we own should spark joy. If it doesn’t bring us joy, and it doesn’t serve a useful purpose, we should get rid of it!
I decided the best place for me to start applying this would be my closet. It wasn’t quite spring, but the weather around here has been pretty nice. So the windows came open, and I started pulling all my clothes out and stacking them on the bed. Unlike a lot of people I know, I don’t really own a lot of clothes already, but the ones I do own were not sparking joy. Very little joy was sparked when opening my drawers actually.
Spring Clean Your Closet
Wash everything.
Start by washing everything! The worst thing to do when spring cleaning anything is doing it in shifts. You don’t want to go through your clothes and then add items back in that you haven’t had a chance to go through. I know it’s easy to say you’ll just do it as you wash them, but I’ve been there, done that. It doesn’t work nearly as effectively.
Pull it all out.
Once everything is clean, pull it all out! Lay it on your bed, couch, middle of the floor – as long as it’s clean – so you can see it all. Go ahead and grab your shoes as well! You know you’ve got some you don’t really love.
One at a time.
Don’t worry about sorting the clothes into tops, bottoms, dresses, jackets, socks, etc. Just dive right in! Pick up one item. Hold it up. Inspect every inch of it. Try it on if you need. Then ask – does this spark joy? Does it make you feel like you, the real you when you wear it? Does it fit? Are you holding on to it for memory sake, or because maybe one day it might fit again?
After asking yourself all these questions, you have one last question to make. Do I keep it, or get rid of it? Then separate it into it’s respective pile. Have a box or bag handy so the “get rid of” pile, as we call it here, can be taken out as soon as you are done. The more it hangs around the house, the more likely you’ll have a hard time really letting go of it.
I had ordered a Clean-Out Bag from ThredUP, so once I was done I nicely folded my clothes, placed them inside the bag, and sent them off to ThredUP. Out of about 20 items I sent, they were able to resell 4. Not too shabby, and I knew that would probably be the case. What I love is that the rest of the clothes I sent will be given to textile recycling companies so nothing will end up in landfills.
Try ThredUP on me! Sign up and get an automatic $10 to spend! It will also give me $10 to spend, so you know, help a girl that’s lacking in cute clothes out.
Now that your closet is cleaned out, you can buy a few new pieces that DO spark joy! What will you buy? Are you inspired by the flowers in bloom, or does you closet contain more neutrals?
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Thred Up is an awesome way to clean out your closet AND make some extra money. I have used them in the past and was pleased with the results. I’ve shopped with them also and liked what I bought. 🙂
Dawn Lopez recently posted…6 Easy Cleaning Hacks You Should Try
What a great idea! I know I would love to make a little extra money to help motivate me to clean out my closet.
I love this- what a great way to clean out the closet! I haven’t used Thread Up, but I keep reading some amazing things!
I have so many pieces to get rid of! I should do that this weekend and send it in to thredup to free up space!
My closet’s gotten to be such a mess over the months! This would be a great way to get organized!
I totally need to do this for my whole family! I cannot wait to switch over the seasons!
Very clever tips! I’m sure my wife would love this idea, she also need to clean her closet.
I love all the tips but the last one – at least for me – is the most important and I think it should be considered as first step before we start cleaning anything. So let’s say that we have a shirt that are not willing to keep it in our closet, we can save it and clean it later. Pretty much give priority to the clothes we need!
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