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I admit it. This is what my van looked like yesterday morning, and for quite some time before that. Disgusting right? I keep asking myself why I didn’t clean this sooner, and then I wonder how in the world we haven’t all been extremely sick. Riding around in a vehicle so extremely dirty, the kids putting toys and drinks in their cup-holders; it actually makes me almost sick thinking about it.
So when Mark needed to take the van to pick up some wood for our bathroom remodel, I made a decision. When he got back, I wouldn’t put the seats back in until I had the car clean. Really clean. It took a few hours, and a lot of 409 and Lysol, but I finished it. When I was done, I told Mark all I want for my birthday is the carpets and seats professionally shampooed. Not your normal birthday wish, but it’s mine.
I have friends who've had their car's detailed. It is expensive to do but I couldn't believe how much newer their cars looked afterward. I never did it but I totally understand wanting to be in a clean car. When my kid's were little I didn't allow them to eat in the car. The smell of rotting goldfish made my stomach turn. People thought me cruel, but over snacking and not sitting down for meals is a bad habit to get into.
My kids make such a mess of our car! I am always having to vacuum and clean up their messes 🙂