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{Keep It Scrumptiously Simple!}
Spring Cleaning Edition!!
The time of year to sweep off the inches of dust from the winter and get ready to let the sunshine through those dirty windows.
I know there are some of you out there that aren’t particularly fond of cleaning (myself included), but I’ll show you how to push the easy button on the [essential] things that need to get done in a breeze so you’ll have enough time to enjoy this coming Easter Sunday with your fams.
{I get to cheat a little since I’m spending Easter at my fams, but next week I’ll be beating my booty to get it done before the nice weather hits. Promise. My legs need to get some sun-remember?!! :}
BUT we’ve simplified it.
So go ahead and relieve this off your honey’s list and in return he just might cook you dinner 😉
1. Close all windows 2. Sweep debris and dirt with a broom 3. Rinse winders with Windex outdoor multi-surface concentrated cleaner attached to your hose ($10 at Wally (WalMart) or Targè (Target)) 4. Click to Clean. Spray. Give it 30 secs to soak. 5. Rinse spraying top to bottom 6. Take a bucket, fill it with H20 and a tich of dish soap inside (your house…) 7. Grab a rag and wipe out all the black gunk that coagulates in the tracks. 8. With another rag (microfiber works best), dunk and wring out and use it to clean the interior winders- outside corners to middle using circular motions (wax on, wax off) 9. Take a step back and admire your glorious glass 🙂
Here’s what to do:
1. Scope out and determine what spots need to be cleaned. The majority of the cleaning will be in high traffic areas (or right under an outlet where you spilled hot Scenty wax-grrr.). 2. Vacuum back and forth over the trouble spot for about 30 secs (You can do this for rugs as well). 3. Using a great carpet cleaner-Real Simple.com recommends LA’s Totally Awesome cleaner and degreaser ($3 on Amazon)- dunk on a wet rag and let it sit for 5 mins. 4. Blot with a dry rag working from the outside in. Repeat with new rag and really get there and blot applying pressure with your foot. 5. Dry spot with a hair dryer, portable heater, or bribe your kids to blow on it-juuust kidding 🙂 6. Open your sparklingly clean windows and shower your carpet with baking soda next time you vacuum to eliminate odors.
1. Strip the bed and throw the mattress cover into the wash. For stains-soak with OxyClean and cold water. Then wash with detergent on hot, adding 1 cup of white vinegar to freshen the wash. 2. Over the mattress,
What you’ll need to start with is 1. an old sheet. Spread it down and shower it with couch cushions-so you don’t ruin your
Now that wasn’t so hard, huh?
Now go spend the priate booty you found.
OR put it in the “jar” —the cruise, rainy day, new car one.
HOpPy CLeAnInG EvErYoNe!
Reference: RealSimple.com
Thanks Ashlie and Rozalynn for sharing. I hope you two are having lots of fun again this year!!