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I’ve touched on the topic before, but as the kids get older, and we keep moving around, we never seem to find a system for doing chores that really sticks with the kids. I believe a lot of it is keeping a routine, which has been lacking with our most recent move.
I came across this info-graphic from Terry’s Fabrics, and thought it was worth sharing. I hope I can be a bit better getting back into routine, and making chores FUN for the kids – or at least worthwhile. (2 hours wasted trying to get them to clean up the mess they made yesterday, blah!).
How to Get Children to Help With the Chores by Terrys Fabrics.
Clean up has always been part of play time with my kids and I think this help them when they went to school and were expected to clean up after projects. I have a tween and teen now and allowance is definitely a motivator. Great list of ideas.
What a great infographic – thanks for sharing. We pinned it. Our kids are just starting to participate in chores – but it's not easy. They're mostly into taking care of the pets, so we've been running with it. 🙂