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“Mom it hurts”
My vivacious 7-year-old complained to me one morning. Pointing at her leg, she specified more clearly that the congenital mole behind her knee was hurting.
That’s interesting I thought. Since it was behind her knee, I brushed it off as probable growing pains. I figured at 7, she connected the physical pain with the only thing she could visibly see.
We moved on with our morning, and I sent her to school with a hug and kiss. Hopefully, if it was growing pains, they’d subside throughout the day. I concocted a plan to not bring up her mole again until she did.
After school came, and it was all she could talk about. It still hurt. It hurt all day at school too. So I made a call to the doctor. Our story ended well (expensive) but well. My dear little Rosalina had a normal mole – albeit a weirdly shaped and growing mole, it was still just a mole. We removed it, and she hasn’t complained of any pain since.
Not All Kids are that lucky.
Becca Boo
Becca Boo complained of pains that her parents also thought were just growing pains. Unlike our story, Becca was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. You can read more about her story and others on Tackle Kids Cancer.
You can help Tackle Kids Cancer
This holiday season, consider donating to Tackle Kids Cancer. Every little bit helps! Whether you donate financially, coordinate a fundraiser or event, or even volunteer your time, you’ll be helping the fight against pediatric cancer.
Pediatric Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children. With only 4% of government funding for cancer being directed to pediatric cancer research, they need all the help we can give.
Donating through Tackle Kids Cancer helps children worldwide as the pediatric cancer research community is a small one. Your donation will make a difference for kids like Becca.