More ways you can Help Newtown, CT
- Adelina
- December 20, 2012
Earlier this week, I posted a list of different ways you can help through donations to Newtown, CT and the community in the wake of another tragedy. Today I’d like to share some more ways you can offer support, and love to help remember those who lost their lives, and the let the community know […]
Read MoreHelp Sandy Hook Elementary and the Community
- Adelina
- December 17, 2012
There are no words to describe the emotions our nation, and the world has felt over this weekend. I found myself sitting staring at my computer screen, thinking “This is pointless. This blog doesn’t matter. How can I keep blogging about such silly topics when there are families suffering on the other side of the […]
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I’m donating to…. #GivingTuesday
- Adelina
- November 27, 2012
I have been looking forward to today for quite some time now. We’ve had Thanksgiving and followed it up with Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. Today marks the first and hopefully annual Giving Tuesday. Today we encourage you to get involved and give back. No matter how small, there is something you […]
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