Motherhood: Keeping it Real
- Adelina
- May 6, 2013
*This post is an entry into Mompact’s REAL Moms Giveaway* When I saw Mompact talking about Real Moms, I though to myself – Every Mom is a Real Mom. We’re just all different in how we approach things. What do they mean REAL Moms? So I started giving it some thought, and came up with […]
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5 minutes alone, what will your children do?
- Adelina
- August 11, 2011
This morning started out pretty nice. Princess V woke me up and then went to read stories to Princess R in her crib. It was really cute. We had a relaxing breakfast and let Mark and Chloe sleep some more. Once Chloe was up and fed, I headed back downstairs to wake up Mark and get […]
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