

When you feel like you are Drowning

I was drowning this week. I felt like nothing I could do was ever going to get me out of the mess of home, the unorganized meals, the crazy try and get everyone where they need to be, the blog work that I love doing but has been difficult to find time for lately, and […]

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Rethinking Bath Time

*I received free product to review. All thoughts are 100% my own.* We are all making new years resolutions. We want to lose weight. Eat more healthy. Organize our home. Be more kind. Be a better Parent. The last one, be a better parent, is always on my new years resolution it seems. I always […]

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LDS General Conference Sunday Morning Recap #LDSconf

President Henry B. Eyring spoke of unconditional love, and the choices that will lead us to happiness, and choices that will lead to unhappiness. What I took to heart personally was near the end of his talk when he said “We cannot force God’s children to choose the way to happiness….but we can let them […]

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Look for the Helpers {Think About It}

I’m sure you have all seen this quote spreading around the Internet this week. I really fell in love with this sage advice.  It mostly reminded me of my mother and wisdom she would have imparted to me. Actually it’s very similar to the one piece of advice I’m always holding on to from my […]

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