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GlassesUSA.com provided glasses for this post on Tips for Kids Wearing Glasses. All opinions are my own.
When you discover your kids need glasses, one of the first thoughts may be how in the world will we keep them from breaking. Well, fear not, because I’ve got some tips for you!
So we haven’t had the need for glasses with our kids yet, but it wouldn’t surprise me if we did eventually. Mark needed glasses up until he got lasik, and as I’ve gotten older I can tell I will eventually need glasses myself. While I hope our kids never need them, I know our odds are most likely that 1 of them will end up with a need for glasses.
When that time comes I want to be prepared to keep the glasses clean and unbroken so we won’t have to spend all our money replacing the lenses. I talked to my Mom who had 2 children in glasses and then to my sister in law whose children recently started wearing glasses.
Tips for Kids Wearing Glasses
On The Face or In The Case
I love this little rhyme. It’s easy for kids to remember because it rhymes. It also teaches them where the glasses should be kept. Not on the table, not on the counter. If they aren’t on their face, the glasses should be in their case. This is an especially important lesson to learn if you have school aged children. My mom said she has some parents who ask that their kids not wear their glasses to recess – the problem is then they forget where they put them inside, or forget to put them back on. If they know to put them in their case, then this can be more doable.
On Your Face or In The Case - Tips for Kids Wearing Glasses #ad Share on X
Don’t let Friends Wear Them
I remember being a child and thinking it was cool to see what the world looked like through my friends’ glasses. Since I didn’t need them, for me everything turned blurry. As an adult, I’ve realized this was not something I should have been doing. Teach your kids not to let their friends play with their glasses. Also, remind your non-glass wearing children not to touch other people’s glasses. I feel like I have to constantly remind my children to keep their hands off.
Find Glasses your Kids Love
Kids won’t care for their glasses if they don’t love them. Let them try on a few pairs at the eye doctors to get a good idea of how they fit and what they find comfortable. Then check out GlassesUSA.com for over 2500 different styles. With GlassesUSA.com you can upload a picture of your child and try on every single pair to see how they frame their face and how the colors may compliment their eyes.
Buy Affordable Glasses
In the case your children do misplace or break their glasses as they begin to get used to wearing them, you don’t want to have spent hundreds of dollars each time. GlassesUSA.com offers an affordable option to parents with prescription glasses that can save you up to 70% OFF retail prices. With prescription lenses included free with every pair of glasses, you can find a complete pair of glasses – frame and lenses – starting at $48. Even better is that you can shop risk-free! If you’re not happy with your kids’ glasses, return them for a 100% money back guarantee within 14 days and a 365-day product warranty.
Do you have kids wearing glasses? Try ordering your next pair from GlassesUSA.com