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With the recent holidays, many of us will find our counters spilling over with batteries. The problem we always seem to run into is finding the right size battery, and then wondering whether it has enough juice or not. I know we have a bad habit of taking out old batteries but never disposing of them.
In my recent attempts to get a variety of holiday pictures, I went through many batteries. Some worked for a few minutes, others wouldn’t even turn my camera on. It was extremely frustrating, so I just bought more batteries. This time I decided to store them better.
I love bhg’s idea of a tackle box. Having the separate compartments for each size makes that look so nice! I took a cheaper route though, and used a pencil box I already had on hand. It doesn’t have the separate compartments, but it closes, and keeps the batteries contained. Now whenever I need a battery I know just where to look. And if it’s not in there, I know I need to buy more.
While I’m on the topic of batteries, with a New Year drawing close, may I suggest you check your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Starting the new year with fresh batteries will help keep your home and family safe. Once I’ve hit post here, I’m off to add some brand new 9volts to our smoke detectors.
love your storage box idea I need to do this as well come see what I shared
What a great idea! Thanks for linking up at the Frugal Tuesday Tip.