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When I first became a mom, reading got pushed to the side. I use to always have a book in my hand, and piles of books waiting to be read. I switched from reading chapter books, to childrens books. Nothing wrong with that, but I sure missed having something for me to get lost in. In the last 2 years, I’ve picked up my reading again. I love getting lost in a book, imagining myself there, and being able to pause reality for a bit (as long as my kids aren’t in harms way, reality can be paused). I still have piles of books to read, that just keep getting bigger, and finding time to read is still hard, but I am glad I’ve found more time for it again.
I was THRILLED when an author actually contacted me to let me know about her book! I know I’m not a book blogger, but trust me, I visit tons of book blogs all the time! So this is just a little post to let you know about the new author and book Untraceable by S.R. Johannes. It was released yesterday, but has been on my to read list for a couple weeks now.
Untraceable is a YA thriller with a female heroine. The cover really grabbed my attention (amazing what artwork can do!). Here’s a snippet from the goodreads page
16 year old Grace has lived in the Smokies all her life, patrolling with her forest ranger father who taught her about wildlife, tracking, and wilderness survival.
When her dad goes missing on a routine patrol, Grace refuses to believe heโs dead and fights the town authorities, tribal officials, and nature to find him
I’d be excited to get this as a Christmas gift, and I think it would make a great book for any teens on your list who love to read! You can buy it on Amazon, or enter to win a copy on Goodreads!
Thanks for the shout out! ๐