Weekend Bites #59 Chicken Dinner

Weekend Bites Chicken Dinners

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I could probably be crazy, people have said I am at least. But here I am late at night, working, and I got 8 kids to sleep tonight! Alright, 1 is at least still awake, but he’s listening to a book, so I can’t complain too much. I get to be the cool Aunt for the next 3 days (4 if you count this afternoon too). Kids happily all did homework together, practiced some piano, and learned a little music theory from their cool Uncle. Now if you’ve ever tried to get 8 kids to bed on a school night…well even if you haven’t, I’m sure you can imagine! Success was had though! Tomorrow I’ve promised a make your own pizza night with a movie – we’ll probably watch The LEGO movie so I can feel AWESOME!

In other news – Check you all out! I was a little worried after missing a week you might all forget about this fun link party, but you proved me wrong, and shared some fantastic looking recipes. This week I’ve decided to feature Chicken dishes, because it’s been on sale lately, and my freezer is well stocked in poultry. I hope you enjoy these features as much as I plan to. 

Salt and Vinegar Chicken Fingers
Salt and Vinegar Chicken Fingers
Skillet Pizza Chicken is a great weeknight dinner for pizza fans that don't want pizza every night! And, you only use one skillet to make it!
Skillet Pizza Chicken
You have to try this easy, baked version of the Italian classic. This easy parmesan chicken recipe is perfect for busy weeknights and Sunday family suppers. #ad #BertolliTuscanTour
Easy Parmesan Chicken
Chicken croquettes
Spicy Moroccan Chicken Croquettes
Weekend Bites

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