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This post has been in the works for a few weeks now. At first I was a little too emotional to talk about it. Then I felt it should wait until Mark’s current (at the time) contract was up. I’m past the emotion, and his contract is up. So here it is…
Mark resigned from teaching band at the local high school. He finished out the school year, but we are now looking for a job elsewhere.
My initial reaction was to look at every school close to where we live. I DID NOT want to move. We just bought our house last year. We have put a ton of work into making it our home. We’ve dealt with flooding, termites and a kitchen remodel. We love the neighborhood. We have some great friends, and the kids love it here too.
When it became clear there weren’t really any jobs nearby, I got myself ready for the idea of moving. I began looking at our home and what needs to be done to sell and not lose money on the home. You can expect many posts in the near future on prepping your home to sell.

You could say that I am actually pretty excited about moving now. Yes I will miss this home, and our community here, but I am ready for another adventure. We’ve applied all over the country, and have had many interviews the past two weeks. We will continue to apply and interview until a job is offered.
The funnest part for me, is that I don’t have to interview. I just get to send Mark off to do that, while I browse house listings in the area. Since most schools start in August, we will have to be ready to move mid to end July and I want to know the areas and what’s available to us. I’ve been using Zillow’s Ipad App to check out listings. I really love their App (the website could use a little help though). You type in the area you are looking to live, and a map pops up with little houses scattered across it. You can edit the price range, sq footage, bedrooms, etc to get just the listings you’re interested in.
Good luck to you on your new adventure… so many things to blog about.
If you happen to end up in our neck of the woods we'd be HAPPY to have you!
How exciting! Prayers that a new opportunity will open for you all quickly. From my point of view, the Chicagoland area is a great place for a family (but I am probably a bit biased!)