Yard Sale Finds

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I love yard sales! Last Saturday I was not planning on going out though, since my father in law and mother in law were in town, and we had a lot planned. Friday morning, Mark got home from work and told us there was a yard sale with massages just down the road a bit. Well my mother in law and I both decided we were going! Besides a wonderful massage they had a lot of great stuff as well!
What do you do with your mail? If you’re like me, you take it inside, open it up, and set it on a counter or table somewhere. No more for me! Isn’t this mail holder darling? It holds a whole lot too! 
And then there was this cute globe. I’ve been looking for one at every yard sale, and was really excited for this one. It is in great shape, and easily spins in every direction! We’ll be using this a lot in our home preschool.
I’m kind of kicking myself now too. They had a beautiful dining room table and chairs for only $10. The chairs needed a lot of TLC, but the table was perfect and had an extra leaf. We passed it up, and we shouldn’t have. We both thought we would love our breakfast nook table, but the kids like to lay down and they play more than they eat during meals now. We easily could have kept the table and got rid of the chairs, but we didn’t think it fully through before passing it by. Awe well, I’m sure we’ll find another one of these days.

5 thoughts on “Yard Sale Finds

  1. I love yard/tag sales!! I have found awesome finds! (Including $275 worth of Partylite products for $22!!!) Yup, yup, that's my kid of shopping! Lol.
    Love the mail holder by the way! 😉

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