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It’s official – there are not enough hours in the day to do all I want to do. When I became a mom I started throwing my whole self into that – motherhood. Slowly I began doing things I enjoyed again – like reading. As a homemaker, the kitchen became my domain. 3 home cooked meals a day (although that includes cereal most mornings) has turned me into quite a little chef. Having so much time to spend in the kitchen has helped me grow my cooking and baking skills. I can adjust recipes as needed, substitute with what I have on hand, and sometimes make stuff completely up and have it all taste pretty good.
With so much time devoted to feeding my family, and just staying on top of daily chores, my other hobbies have gotten left behind. This last Christmas I decided to start sewing again. It’s not something I was ever great at, but I did enjoy. So I made some hooded capes for my nieces and a hat for the littlest one. There was supposed to be a matching dress with the hat, but I ran out of time. I finally made the time to get the dress finished – 3 months late. I am really pleased with how it turned out.
Your dress turned out really cute. Sewing is so rewarding. I'm glad you have so much fun stuff to do. People think staying at home is boring, but we know better!
sometimes I get overwhelmed with all the stuff I could do, that I end up doing nothing, lol. Thanks for the compliment Dianna
I love finishing a sewing project! Someday I hope to have a room where I can leave my projects out. Most of my "sewing" time is taken up with getting things out and then put away again when my little one wakes up from her nap.
Oh I understand that! We got lucky that this house has an extra room for me. It has no door, but I can at least block out the baby and the dog with my makeshift gate, lol. I'm working on some cross stitching now.
I'm glad you have found sometime for yourself. If only we didn't need to sleep. Then you would have plenty of time to read. Congrats on the dress… I could never do it.
Isn't that true? I keep telling myself I need to wake up and just start where I left off the day before, but it just doesn't work that way. It really is a whole new day.