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I received the State Necklace in exchange for this post. All thoughts are my honest opinions.
Change is hard. You can love adventure but still fear change. Learning to love where we have come from, can help us embrace change and love where we are headed.
Have you ever been asked the question “Where are you from?” Surely we’ve all heard this at one point or another. I’ve heard it quite frequently in my life, and for the longest time, I didn’t know how to answer. Where was I from?
I was born in Utah, raised in New Hampshire, and moved back to Utah for High School. We then spent a year in North Dakota and have now been in Indiana for a full year. Am I a Utahn because that is where I was born and have spent the majority of my 30 years? Or am I from New Hampshire because that is where my core memories were made as a child. Do people want to know where I was from most recently, in which case I tell them North Dakota, or do they want to know where I am currently from – Indiana.
This year has been one of self-love for myself. Learning that who I am is OK. I don’t need to be what anyone else wants. I don’t even need to be what I think I should be. I just need to be me. Who I am is Adelina. A traveler of states.
So when people ask me where I’m from these days, and they have time to listen, I tell them “a little bit of everywhere.” I’ll still pick a state or 2 if they’re not truly interested. Those who want to know me, though, will listen as I tell them of my travels. The 50 acres of woodland I grew up on, and the man I met while attending Snow College in Ephraim, UT are all a part of my story.
I’m not a big jewelry wearer, but there are a few key pieces I adore. A pearl necklace for nice outings and my state necklaces from Cents of Style. They have a simple chain containing a bar with the state name and longitude/latitude. The State Necklace speaks to who I am at my core. It’s not just the places that have shaped who I am, but the people and memories contained within those states. My flower garden in Utah, and my childhood BFF in New Hampshire.
I no longer wonder who I am. I know because of where I’ve been.
Purchase Your State Necklacw
If you love these necklaces as much as I do, you can purchase them from Cents of Style.
What a great necklace! Do they make them for countries too?
not yet, but what a great idea!
Those necklaces are so cute but I love how you are rooted in so many different places. I think you learn so much for each state/city. I was born in Ohio and lived there until college when I moved to Memphis, TN. Live there 8 years and now I’m in Atlanta, GA. I think each location gives me perspective and teaches me something new.
Love this! Thank you for sharing!