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I was sent some doTERRA essential oils.
I’ve never really used essential oils before, and I was excited to try these out. I hear my friends talking about them, and all the different ways they use them, and kept thinking to myself I should try these out. So when Angela contacted me to see if she could send me some samples, I was thrilled! I left what she sent me up to her, because I didn’t know what I would end up using or not.
I received lemon, peppermint, and lavender singles. Also balance and slim and sassy blends.
Lemon. I really love lemon water, but I don’t really like cutting them up, or squeezing the juice into my water. I quickly learned that just one drop of lemon essential oils in a cup of water is plenty. Did you know that a cup of warm water with lemon juice helps keep swelling in your feet during pregnancy away? I did, and I know it works too. Whenever my feet have started to swell I drink a cup of lemon water.
Lavender is one of my favorite smells. I’ve been adding a drop to my humidifier, and just love the scent it sends through the house. It really helped the other day when our fireplace decided to smoke us out of the home. Lavendar is also a natural calmer. Princess R has been having some night terrors recently, so I’m going to stick the humidifier in her room tonight with the lavendar. We’ll see if that helps any.
Peppermint works as a digestive aid. I have not yet tried this one, but Princess R has also been having some constipation again. I think I’ll dry rubbing some on her tummy, to see if it will help get things moving again.
Balance. I am in love with this one!!! This is a blend of spruce, rosewood, frankincense and blue tansy. It is to promote tranquility and a sense of balance. Plus the smell is just wonderful. I put a little of this in the humidifier this morning to help me be at peace while I took on the closet of handed down girls clothes. It also helped me attempt calmness when I discovered the liquid dish soap dumped all over the basement floor (tips to come on how to clean THAT up!).
Slim and Sassy. This one I have purposely not used yet. I’m saving it for after baby comes! Slim and Sassy is a metabolic blend to help curb appetite between meals.
*product was provided to me at no cost. All opinions are my own.
So how many drops of doTERRA Serenity Blend would you put in a 1 gallon ultrasonic cool mist humidifier?
Looks like you found what you were looking for Kashii!
Great review of the doTERRA essential oils! It’s great to hear about your experience with the different oils and how you’ve been incorporating them into your daily routine. I especially appreciate the tips you shared on using lemon for swelling during pregnancy and lavender for calming. It sounds like you’ve found some oils that are particularly useful for you and your family. The slim and sassy blend sounds like a great addition to use post-baby. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!
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