Everything You Need for Home Canned Pears

Preserve the natural crisp flavor of pears to enjoy year round with these home canned pears.

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It’s time to store some fruit for the winter. OK, we’re in the 21st century, but if you’ve never canned anything before, I think you’re missing out. Canned pears are one of my utmost favorite home canned products. This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you click on and make a purchase through them. 
The first time I canned pears on my own was 6 years ago when I ordered 40lbs of Pears from The Pear Guy through our church. I was very excited to be preserving so much fruit for my kids to enjoy just as I did at their age. I had NEVER canned on my own before and was very nervous about it. 
I still get nervous before starting a canning project, but I’ve done it so often now, it’s just about diving right in. 

Home Canned Pears Tips

Before starting you’ll want to gather your equipment. If you’re first starting out, it may seem kind of pricey, and not worth the effort, but most of these things you only have to buy once. 
  • 40lbs Pears
  • 7-8 Quart canning jars and lids
  • paring knife
  • water bath canner
  • Jar lifter
  • wide mouth funnel
  • sugar
  • water


Once you have everything ready, you’ll want to prepare your syrup. I like to use a light syrup because quite frankly I have a sweet tooth. However, you can also can the pears in fruit juice. If you choose the juice method I would stick with 100% Pear Juice.  

For this many pears, I make a double batch of syrup. Heat 18cups water and 4 1/2 cups sugar on the stove. Depending on your pot, you may need to do this in 2 batches. 

While the syrup is heating, go ahead and prepare the jars. You’ll want them washed and sanitized. To sanitize my jars, I prefer using the oven. Set it to 250 F. Place the jars and rings – not the rubber lids – in a pan and set in the oven. They need at least 20 minutes in the oven, but you can leave them longer as you prepare the fruit. 

For home canned pears, sanitize jars and rings in the oven at 250 F for 20 minutes.  

The prep work is done, and it’s time to get started on the pears. You’ll want to wash, peel, and core your fruit. My favorite way to get the most fruit, is by blanching the pears in boiling water for about 30seconds to 1 minute, then dipping them in an ice bath. The peels come off fairly easily at this point with a paring knife. The downside is that the pears get a bit more soft from the boiling water. So you can always just take a knife and peel and core your pears as if you were going to eat them right then. 

Once the pears are peeled, and sliced place them in a bowl with some lemon juice to avoid browning. Pick Your Own has some more tips on keeping the fruit from browning while preparing the rest of the fruit. This is the point where it’s also nice to have someone helping. The more hands, the less time the fruit it sitting out and turning brown.  

Now I dry pack my pears, but you can also hot pack them which is the recommended way.  To dry pack – also known as raw pack – you stuff the cold pears into the hot jars. Once they are full pour in your syrup leaving about a 1/2 inch at the top. Slide a butter knife down the side of the jar and press on the pears to release any trapped air. I’ve always done it this way and never had any issues with spoilage.

Boil a small pot of water for your canning lids. Once the pears and syrup are in the jar, wipe off the rims with a clean damp cloth. Then you’ll dip the lid into the hot water before placing on the jar. Screw on the rings, finger tight, and prepare to process them. 

Canned Pears packed in quart should be processed in a water bath canner for 25 minutes. When done, remove the jars from the canner with your nifty jar grabber, and place on a towel to cool. You may start hearing popping sounds – this is the sweet sweet sound of each jar sealing. Give them a day to cool, then press on the lids. If they did not seal there will be a little bubble you can press on. Any unsealed jars should be immediately placed in the fridge and used over the next few days. 

Correctly sealed jars can be placed in your pantry or food storage and should be used over the next year.  

Home Canned Pears
Yields 7
Enjoy the crisp flavor of pears all year with this easy to follow recipe for canned pears.
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  1. 40lbs Pears
  2. 18 cups Water
  3. 4 1/2 cups Sugar
  4. 8 quart jars and lids
  5. water bath canner
  1. Preheat oven to 250F.
  2. Place jars and rings (not lids) on a pan, and sanitize in oven for 20 minutes.
  3. Combine water and sugar in a pan over medium heat to dissolve sugar. Turn heat to low and let simmer while you prepare the pears.
  4. Wash, peel, and core pears.
  5. Stuff pears into hot jars. Pour hot syrup over pears, leaving 1/2 inch from the jar rim.
  6. Wipe rims with a clean damp cloth.
  7. Dip lids into boiling water, and then place on jars.
  8. Screw rings on to finger tightness.
  9. Process in a water bath canner for 25 minutes.
  10. Remove to a towel, and let cool for 24 hours.
  11. Store sealed jars in a cool dark place. Unsealed jars should be eaten withint the next few days.
Home Maid Simple https://www.homemaidsimple.com/

kids love home canned pears!

Kids love these! While they will keep for a year in the pantry, my kids usually have them gone within 2 months. 

2 thoughts on “Everything You Need for Home Canned Pears

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