Kidloland Offers Entertaining App to Engage and Teach Kids

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I received the Kidloland App download at no charge. All opinions are 100% my own thoughts.

I’m going to get real here. The last few months I have not been the kind of Mom I really want to be. Working and going to school, and going through a pregnancy that has been more physically draining than my previous four has left me well .. drained. 


My friend told me about YouTube Kids, and how she lets her girls watch shows on there without worrying about the content they’re receiving. So I downloaded and loved it! At least, I did until I found I was using it to entertain for far too long, with not as much education value going on. Something needed to change. 

Then Kidloland appeared. OK, I was skeptic, mostly of myself. Would another app make me feel any less guilty for the lack of time I am spending with my only child during the day? Probably not. It would at least be more educational directed during the busiest part of my day, and times where I truly don’t feel good. 


Kidloland has seriously so much going on in it, that after a month I don’t think we’ve even touched half of the fun inside the app. With over 1000 Nursery Rhymes, Songs, Stories, Activities and Games every day offers something new to discover. The nursery rhymes are my favorites while Lincoln likes to hang out with the Dinosaurs and Trucks listening to songs and games featuring his interests.


While Lincoln hasn’t learned to read yet, he is learning the alphabet and has started associating that letters, put together, make words. Words that he likes to pretend he knows. The running words on the bottom of the screen during each song helps enhance his learning, even if he doesn’t realize it. Along with that, he can actually interact with the app. Touching different items during the songs cause them to do fun things or change colors. 


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