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Through discussions with friends, I’ve learned that there’s one thing we all dread. Meal planning.
We want to make healthy, well-balanced meals for our family. We have good intentions. But the act of sitting down, and planning it out every week, and then doing the shopping, and then the cooking – it gets overwhelming. Many nights I have no idea what we’re eating until 5 o’clock when I start rifling through the fridge.
The problem with cooking this way is while we’re trying to save money, we are losing money by tossing out food that’s gone bad because I had no specific plan to use it.
When Innit reached out and asked me to try out their app, I was on board. With a new year, I needed something to help me plan better meals, and that made the shopping part easy too.
Pro’s to Meal Planning with Innit
There are a lot of things to love about Innit. When you first download the Innit App, it will ask you a series of questions to get to know your dietary preferences, including the top 8 allergens. Having a son with allergies, this was very important to me.
Within each recipe, you can change some of the main ingredients to fit your lifestyle. Not a fan of chicken, but the recipe looks good? Trade the chicken out of steak, turkey or salmon!
My favorite part of the app is the shopping list. As you go through and add each meal to your menu plan for the week, the ingredients are added to a shopping list. No more pencil and paper. No forgetting to write something down. Plus you can check off each ingredient as you add them to the cart.
With the Innit App, you will cook smarter too. The app times everything to cook so each portion of the meal is ready at the same time. I have really enjoyed watching the videos for clarifying steps. These are found right inside the app as you are cooking!
Cons to Meal Planning with Innit
With a few tweaks, I can see Innit becoming the go-to meal planning app. My biggest issue was trying to figure out where to find the recipes, and especially recipes I was interested in making. However, that may have been a personal problem.
I would love to see the shopping list organized by department. Currently, the list is scattered depending on how the recipes were added to your list. It would make shopping easier if they were listed by produce, pantry, frozen, and dairy.
Finally – variety. There is not a large variety of recipes with Innit. This could really go in pros and cons, depending on your preference. Having a few recipes, that you can customize, may be exactly what some families need to get back on track with meal planning. I personally love the variety and struggle to have the same thing over and over again – even if we just change the protein or starch. Mark, however, loves when I remake favorite meals, instead of constantly trying new things. So it’s really just a matter of preference here.