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Well, this is going to be a very interesting week here at our home. There is a lot of unknowns thanks to baby Prince here and my Grandma’s funeral. So I haven’t been able to plan a menu like I would’ve liked to. Here is what I do have though!
Monday – BLT Pasta Salad (plans changed last week, so it’s getting bumped)
Tuesday – home made pizza
Wednesday – Hamburger Helper
Thursday – Possibly fast food on the way to Grandma’s viewing. OR Ramen Noodles
Friday – More than likely eating at my parents after the funeral. Otherwise sandwiches.
Saturday – Dinner at my parents
Sunday – Sloppy Joes
Edit – I have not had baby Prince yet. Sorry for any confusion! Unfortunately my kids have all decided to come at different times during pregnancy. So I’ve gone almost exactly at 40 weeks, at 37 weeks, and at 41 weeks. It makes it hard to plan anything these last few weeks and days, including meals.
Baby Prince arrived ..sorry to miss the big day. Congratulations!!! –Sorry about your grandma ..glad we believe families can be together forever. 🙂