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After browsing what I have for you today, head over to my co-host, Diane at Simple Living and Eating, for another fabulous recipe!
It has been one of those weeks for me. To be honest, I really don’t have them that often. Days – yes. But full on weeks of pull my hair out craziness, not too frequent around here. I feel like I’ve spent most of the week in the car driving from dentist to school to dance and back to dentist. The week isn’t over yet! Tonight took the cake as I took all 4 kids to see Mark’s high school band and choir concert. They did great! The students that is. My kids – not so much. Princess R almost made it on the stage – twice – and Prince L had a sudden burst of spitting up all over mommy.
Needless to say, I’m not really looking forward to Kindergarten registration in the morning – with all 4 kids again. Especially when they kindly stated “and your kindergartner doesn’t need to be there”. I think that’s code for “please don’t bring your kids”.
I haven’t had much time for cooking or baking this week. The 2 recipes I attempted to create for your enjoyment were EPIC FAILS! I kid you not. Let me give you a few quick pointers –
1. Don’t listen to someone if they tell you half and half whips up almost like whipping cream. It doesn’t, and you will not have a frosting for the last minute cake you threw together.
2. Never ever buy Sloppy Joe mix for Food Storage. The sodium taste is horrendous, and you will spend forever trying to find ways to mask it without wasting food.
Since I’m not giving you a personal recipe this week, I thought it would be fun to show you around past Foodie Friday’s in a Meal by Meal layout! Sit back, scroll and click away (all links should open in a new window), and find some great new bloggers with mouth watering recipes!
Lunch & Dinner
Salads and Sides
I once (or twice or more) said how much I wish I could feature you all! Since that’s really not possible (hey you’ve all got your links on the bottom of the blog…it’s almost a feature!), I thought this was the next best thing. Diane and I have been hosting this Foodie Friday party for over a year now, and we are both thrilled and sometimes overwhelmed with the response you’ve given us.
Thank you all so much for continuing to make my Fridays fun and full of food.
By the by – did you know I have a Foodie Friday Pinterest Board? I try to get at least all my features pinned. You should come check it out and follow!
Hang in there – the weekend is fast approaching. I have done the same with half & half….It was a learning experience. Everybody has them 🙂
Thanks featuring my island beans & rice, and thanks for hosting!
My pleasure Kim! I'm excited to put the beans and rice on our menu this week.
I want to know who's spreading this half and half tale! lol.
The weekend is fast approaching, but my husband will also be gone all day Saturday – leaving me carless…I guess that's a good thing though. no car, means I get to stay home!
A great round up of recipes… I don't know how you have time to do what you do… all without coffee? You are truly amazing. Your kids are very lucky.
Sometimes I don't know either Diane. I'm definitely glad I decided to keep my 2nd out of soccer this year. Next year we'll let her pick an activity.
Thanks for the invite!! I've linked up a few!
Thanks so much Diana!
Linking up my latest dish. Thank you, Adelina and Diane!
Great round up! Thank you for including my creme egg brownies!
Thank you so much for featuring my Berry Salad on your Round Up!!! You are fabulous ladies 🙂 Krista @ A Handful of Everything
Thanks so much for featuring my No Yeast Cinnamon Roll. Thanks for hosting such a fun party, Have a great weekend. ~ Paula
Thanks so much for featuring my oven pancakes! Your week sounded a lot like mine….except ours was volleyball and orthodontist! And don't you *love* when they say "your child doesn't NEED to attend"…what do they expect us to do?! It's not like I have a live in nanny! Hope you are having a great weekend!
Exactly Kim, lol. Thankfully I wasn't the only one who brought their kids…sadly I was the only one who seemed to have crazy kids who can't sit still. Oh well, it was an adventure, and now my daughter is all signed up.
Many great features this week! Everything looks delicious! Thanks so much for featuring my strawberry pie! I hope you have a great week!