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School has been out for a month here now, but it hasn’t really felt like summer until this week. Possibly because we’ve been holed up working on our bathroom remodel, or maybe it’s the rising temps with no AC that made it feel more real. Either way I propose a toast (with my Crystal Light Raspberry Lemonade) to the start of summer vacation.
To Summertime – May you be filled with the laughter of children running through sprinklers, and good books on the porch. May your temps stay mild, and the bugs kept to a minimum. As we begin our first ever swimming lessons, let us all kick back and relax while we enjoying your sunshine. May we remember that time spent with our children should be treasured more than possessions – and time spent with friends a bonus. As we bbq, hike, camp, and swim, let these summertime memories be just that – Memorable!
I hope you all are enjoying your summers! I’ve learned very quickly that despite my previous thoughts that 3 hours with 1 child gone didn’t leave much time to get things done, it did indeed allow my to get a lot done. I’ve spent the last few weeks reorganizing and dejunking more of our house because the child tornadoes kept tearing through. Now that we seem to be mostly on a schedule, I’m tossing swimming lessons into the mix. In just a few hours I will be poolside with a book, while my oldest 2 Princesses learn the life skill of swimming. The younger 2 are getting some special time with Mark. It will probably make for a long 2 weeks, but will be so worth it….just don’t let me forget the sunscreen!
Thankfully with such a busy week, this week’s menu planning seem to come together easily. Between swimming lessons, a trip up to Manti, and a Balloon Festival on Saturday, I really need this plan to stay on top of meals, while still having some family fun!
Menu Plan week of 6/17
Monday – Cake Pan Pizza
Tuesday – Shepherds Pie
Wednesday – Fajitas
Thursday – BBQ and Smores with friends
Friday – Sandwiches on the go: Meeting Aunt M and Uncle J at the Mormon Miracle Pageant
Saturday – Leftovers
Sunday – Dinner with relatives
Nice summer schedule. I'll be pool side too while my kids are on their swim teams this summer, but I usually have my laptop not a book in hand. I need to make sometime for pleasure reading. Have a great summer.