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Staying Connected to Loved Ones the Cute and Cuddly Way

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.  #CloudPetsForever #CollectiveBias   What do you do when you suddenly find yourself away from a loved one for weeks on end? Changing careers became an obvious choice for us as teaching just wasn’t working out anymore. The change, […]

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Guess whose Birthday it is…

That’s right, it’s the Energizer Bunny’s 25th Birthday, and he’s celebrating at Walmart with Energizer Max batteries.  The best part – Bunny wants to give you a present! The sad realization is that I’m older than this bunny that just keeps going.  I was pretty stoked to realize that after buying 2 packs of Energizer […]

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Spring Cleaning Day 4 – Toys and General Clutter

Welcome back to Day 4 in the Spring Cleaning Challenge!   Today we are going to focus on toys, and the general clutter that every home seems to collect. I made another fun printable checklist. Print it off, and get to work!     Gather 2 Boxes (or trash bags) Label, or designate one box […]

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Living Space vs the Toys …. Think About It

Do you ever look around your house, and wonder how you can keep it all clean? You’ve got kids running around everywhere, and find yourself constantly tripping over toys. Over the weekend, we were at my sister in laws house. She has a set of toys in the main living space dubbed “Upstairs Toys”, but […]

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Kimochis – Sponsor Spotlight

Kimochis – Toys with feelings inside. These are my new favorite stuffed toy! If you have kids, you know how fast those stuffed animals pile up. Then you start wondering how often your kids play with them. You want to get rid of them, but you find your just as attached as your kids (OK […]

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