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This years one word motto is to create a more Tidy life for myself and those in my home. Tidy house. Tidy clothes. Tidy schedules. If I can tidy it up, I will make an effort to this year. I want to enjoy doing things this year that I feel we can’t because of the chaos we surround ourselves with.
Every year we move, and each time I get rid of more stuff. In fact I get rid of so much, that my husband probably wonders how we even have stuff in our house these days! I wonder myself frequently how we can get rid of so much but still have so. much. stuff. The cleaning and purging is followed up with trying to make a home work out of a modge podge of stuff that really doesn’t go together. So the result is a house filled with chaos, that doesn’t entice any of us to want to keep it tidy.
I want to go to bed knowing this feeling. Truth be told I have before, but I’d like it to not take all my energy to make it that way every night. I want to wake up in the morning with a Tidy house, because nothing energizes you more than knowing there aren’t leftover chores from yesterday, or the day before, or even the week before!
Shortly before Christmas I was gifted the book (affiliate link) The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo. I haven’t actually read it yet, but I knew as soon as I read the introduction my word for 2016 would be Tidy. Shortly after Christmas I rejoined the Mess to Success facebook group, and then a friend shared a Konmari Challenge group (based of The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up) with me. If you’d like to join any of these groups, just let me know!
My plan for the year is to not purge, or minimalize what we have. This year, it’s about tidying up. Finding systems that truly work for our home and lifestyle. I’ll share my progress with you, and invite you to share any tips and/or progress with me!
Looking for more inspiration on your word of the year? Read about last years word Marriage, and my first word of the year Joy.
I got that book for Christmas too and can’t wait to dive in! The clutter in my house is a huge cause of stress some days that needs to be gotten under control.
I love one words! Mine will be up soon…hopefully! 🙂 I think “tidy” is a great word! It’s amazing how it really does effect our lives (right now Amber is sorting through toys to tidy and reorganize and purge their room after the Christmas toy influx!!!)
I loooove Fly Lady’s book–it really helped me get into a good habit of cleaning little sections of the house each day so I never had to “deep clean” again. I’d definitely recommend it as well 🙂 http://amzn.to/1RejDRu
She also has a great site but I found the emails to be a bit overwhelming, so they helped at first and then I unsubscribed 🙂 http://www.flylady.net/
Good luck with Tidy!!!
I didn’t know Fly Lady had a book too. I will have to check that out. I tried her system, but yes the emails overwhelmed me more than my house already was, lol. That was a number of years ago though.
I love your word and the story around it. Especially about not doing the minimalist thing in as much as simply organizing and tidying what you have. I can totally relate! I really enjoyed your post 🙂
Thanks so much Amanda!