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Big News around here!
That’s right, Baby #5 will be swinging from our tree come March 2017. I try not to think about a specific due date because then I just get disappointed when it comes and goes and I’m still miserably large, and unable to reach my feet – let alone see my feet. So we’ll stick with the whole month of March as this little one’s due date.
5 Little Monkeys Swinging In a tree
Teasing Mr Alligator, Can’t Catch Me.
Can’t Catch Me.
You may have been wondering where I’ve been…if you’re a regular. I didn’t mean to take a hiatus, but I don’t ever recall feeling so sick during the last 4 pregnancies. Facebook says otherwise in my “memories”, but I truly feel this has been the worst. On top of the sick feelings, though, I’ve experienced something brand new – depression during pregnancy. I’m used to PPD, but this was new and I didn’t really know how to deal with it.
When those 2 pink lines showed up, I thought I would be happy, but I felt an overwhelming dread at first. What were we thinking? Our “baby” is 4, and will be practically 5 when this little one comes. For some that may not seem like such a big deal, but our current four range from 17months to 2years apart. I can’t even begin to imagine what our family dynamics will be with a new little addition.
Once I got in to see the doctor and had the pregnancy confirmed, things changed. I have since felt exceedingly more attached to this baby and am dealing with the almost persistent nausea better. Of course, the kids going back to school this week may have helped with that as well. I took a glorious hour nap yesterday morning shortly after putting the girls on the bus. Little Prince was a trooper and curled up next to me to watch Youtube Kids.
Our good news is out now! Our families are all thrilled, and friends have been wonderfully fantastic and supportive.
Great post. Thanks for sharing with us! Longmont Tree Service