

Swimming in Style and a Whimsey Lane Giveaway

I received product for review. All opinions are completely my own. Nothing says summer like a hot day and a new swimming suit. Add in a crazy busy summer and taking a little time to relax poolside is just what this mama needed. I’m sure if you’re a regular visitor, you’ve noticed a bit more […]

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5 Favorite Family Reunion Locations

We know what you’re thinking right now: “Why on Earth am I reading an article about family travel from the same guys who print my t-shirts?” Well, firstly: Ouch. 🙁 That hurt our feelings. You really should be nicer! And secondly: Believe it or not, we know what we’re talkin’ about! We deal with thousands […]

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Backyard Tourist: Old Number 6 Book Depot

Last week I had the amazing opportunity to visit my brothers family in New Hampshire. I spent my childhood, the times where you really make some good memories, in a little town called Weare. 13 years ago, my family moved to Utah while I was in high school. For the first time, I was able […]

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Make a choice today and then Just do it!
Self Care

Just Do It!

It’s so easy to let little things slide. To push small tasks to the bottom of an ever growing list. Time to stop it. Get those little things done, and soon the big things will fall into place too. It’s time to just do it.    Something seemed to click inside me over the weekend. I’m […]

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At the end of a long trip…

Give your kids some Glow Sticks.

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Backyard Tourist

We’re going on Vacation and I’m bringing…

Ever play that road trip game? I’m going on vacation and I’m bringing an..Apple! Then the next person says something that starts with the letter B, and repeats the letter a. So on until you get to the letter z and you have to remember all 26 items that have been said. Princess V packing […]

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Sentimental Sunday – Nature

Sorry if you all missed me last week. I was out in the wilds of Yellowstone enjoying some camping, hiking, and no technology interruptions. We didn’t even get cell service, it was bliss!  But I’m back, and excited to share some awesome photos of our trip with you! This guy walked right past my open […]

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